

The value of websites, ecommerce sights, and web applications cannot be understated in today’s world, but what are the best avenues for creating these?

There are many online site editors such as Wix and Squarespace that easily help small business build their own websites, and you should look into these before hiring a developer to make you a website. The following list contains some upsides to paying for a custom website, and if any of these apply to you then consider contacting us.

  • When Diabase builds custom websites, we hand the source code over to our clients. Websites made with site editors are forever chained to that editor.
  • A custom website is likely to be more unique because it is built from scratch, rather than a template, which online site editors use.
  • The site will better be able to scale up to accommodate near-future needs.
  • You won’t have to do any work in creating an intuitive UI with good conversion points- we’ll do all that for you.

Hiring Diabase to build you a website will likely result in something much more unique, and you’ll own it and be allowed to modify it as you please. This means that you can host it anywhere and hire any developer in the future to expand upon the code as you wish.

Web apps are usually a session based application in the cloud that can be accessed from any browser. They can be user-based and have different permission levels for different users. They are often used for complicated and real time applications, such as stock or crypto trading.

A web app is similar to a website in that it’s internet-based, but different from websites which tend to be more informational, static, and without user sessions. Web apps generally aren’t used for marketing or promotion like websites are.

This really depends on your business needs. Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Do me or my employees need to access and manipulate data away from the office?
  • Would it be easier for my clients to interact with their services online?
  • Do user-sessions just need to display data or do they need more desktop resources such as access to a GPU?

Even if you answer yes to these, you might not need a web app. A normal desktop app might be more sufficient for your needs. It can be made connect to a database in the cloud just like a web app, giving you the same functionality. Whatever business needs you have, we can help you figure out the best avenue for satisfying it.

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