

Custom software development can save you money in the long run. What you pay for upfront eventually pays for itself.

Project management software is any kind of software that helps you plan and execute business projects, as well as provide overview of other business functions. Enterprise resource planning software (E.R.P) would also be included in this category, though it is a much broader software, including accounting, marketing, human resource, and other important business tools.

A simple management software designed for one department can be imagined as follows: imagine a metal casting plant that needs to test its castings in a metals lab. This department is very important because it determines if each casting meets the specified quality for the client. Each casting has an associated coupon which needs to be machined, tested, and archived for many years to come. This has potential to create data that is very disorganized and indefinitely hard-to-find.

Monthly quality certifications might be very time consuming to create if different client documents are stored in both a filing cabinet and a Windows folder. They might have ID numbers on them but there is no link directly to the test data for the associated coupons. And what if a different department needs coupon test data immediately? Do they email the department manager? Do they walk over and look in a book themselves? And, worst of all, these problems might compound in the presence of an auditor. We all know how poorly that can go.

The custom solution could be done in the following way:


Firstly, a comprehensive database and a digital document store would be created to keep all test data and client documents in one place. Important information can be automatically parsed from unsearchable PDFs by the computer so every document can be searched upon easily. Processes would be in place in the company so that physical documents are scanned before being filed away. In this way, every coupon, every test, and every document is digitally stored and linked to every associated part.


Secondly, a desktop application can be made that connects to the database. Whoever logs into it will have instant access to up-to-date information (depending on their permissions). Here they can view any notifications for things that need to happen, such as pending tests or written approvals. This drastically reduces emails and wait times.


Every time a coupon shows up, somebody might hand-write the information into a book, then manually organize documents. This time consuming process can be done away with by putting QR codes on each coupon so a technician can simply scan it into the system. We even could one-up this by having the management software track when the coupon leaves the cast and is on its way to the lab. The system would then notify the technicians, eliminating the need to scan a QR code at all. Testing would seamlessly begin.


If you feel that this example demonstrates software you might need, contact us and we’ll get back to you within a few business days.

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