
Software Development

Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software. Software itself is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. It is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable.

This can cause lots of frustrations between departments when they need information from one to another.

Diabase can solve this in two ways: we can either try to integrate everything together or we can create a new custom software that fits perfectly and can be expanded upon in the future. Sometimes a client just needs a single program they can enter data into once and have everywhere, and other times they need a redesign of the whole system.

A redesign can really clean things up. If a business keeps tacking on programs that can’t talk to each other, things can start to get real messy.

Are you tired of not having that one feature you know you need? Are you stuck with a great software that can do most things but not everything? Are you overwhelmed by an abundance of complex features you’ll never use?

Not only can we give you exactly what you need in a software, we can make the UI so intuitive that its approachable for total newbies while powerful enough for the guy who’s worked for you for as long as you can remember.

When you choose to work with Diabase, we sit down with you to understand how your business works and what your software needs are. Often times, business owners have a collection of computer frustrations but need a consultant to help them understand what exactly their software needs are. We take the time and we work to understand your pain points so we can deliver something that fits your business perfectly.

Often times a business will have some super important code somebody wrote before he quit, and nobody understands how it works. What happens when that code needs to be added upon?

Diabase can either come and maintain the existing code or replace it. An upside to custom software is that it is likely to eliminate the in-house software that is difficult to maintain or expand upon. It can also resolve the seemingly random and hard to fix issues that pop up. One of our design philosophies here at Diabase is that we use reliable technologies to get the job done- proven coding languages and easy-to-understand frameworks to ensure that our code is as bug free as possible. This enables our developers to better understand the code that they work with.

Hiring Diabase to develop your custom software might be worth more in the long run than simply hiring a consultant. We’ll provide you not only with custom software but also consulting services along the way, so that you’ll end up with a product suitable for your specific needs.

Let’s say that you have a list of invoices of each sale you made to each customer, and there can be multiple invoices per customer. You as a small business owner might understand each of your customers and what products they’ve purchased, but your employees don’t have a simple way to get this information without asking you. The invoices might not be searchable, or customer data might be divided among different files on the computer system.

In this case we can create a tool to find and parse your difficult files. The data can then be reformatted and put into a database that can then be queried. A software dashboard can be connected to the database to provide functionality that you rely upon often. Things like easily tracking customers and products, automatically updating profiles, generating reports on the fly, and coming up with analytics that help you make better decisions.

Another benefit to a custom database is that it’s capable of keeping track of everything that you have. No more lost files on products, tests, and clients. This makes it very easy to pull together what you need and to automate repetitive tasks, like creating reports. Lots of companies waste man-hours on doing things inefficiently, meaning their employees are working overtime. It doesn’t have to be this way. Businesses can run smoothly and effectively if the software keeps things organized and easy-to-find.

Can you think of anything that you do each week or month that could be automated by a computer? Are you constantly entering different variations of the same data? Are you creating the same reports from different documents each month? If you can think of anything you spend hours upon hours on, it’s likely that a computer can do it for you– saving you lots of time and money.

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